Thursday, June 18, 2009


I have been so busy with school and trying to find a few minutes here and there to get quiet and not be thinking about school that I have completely neglected my beloved blog!!! I feel so ashamed, but I have been getting a lot of work done and school is going swimmingly. Last weekend was a girls trip to New Orleans. By girls weekend, I do not mean all of the wonderful best friends that I have, I mean all of the women on my mom's side of the family. CRAZY! And yes, the drama ensued and I do not have time to explain all that went on but lets just say, I am glad we haven't planned the next one yet!! I love my family, but I guess they are like all families, crazy! I am off to class till 3:00! (The picture is of me, my sister, my grandmother, and my mom, in order from left to right!) Oh and I am really really missing Trae everyday, still.

1 comment:

Amanda Wells said...

ha! can't wait to hear about it!